1. Skipping Breakfast
Breakfast is too important a meal to pass up in the morning.As you sleep, your body’s metabolism slows down considerably. When you awake, your body needs food to get your metabolism going again. Skipping breakfast thus results in low energy levels. Although some may try skipping breakfast in an attempt to cut calories and lose weight, they actually tend to eat more throughout the day to compensate and may thus gain more weight.
Sometimes you may skip breakfast due to lack of time, but this is most unwise. Remember that for every activity you will engage in, be it work or school, you need energy. Your body cannot function efficiently without energy. Those who do not eat breakfast also feel fatigued at the end of each day and always need pain killers to relieve the headache.
Studies have shown that children who don’t eat breakfast do not perform well in school, are less capable of handling complex mathematics, are irritable and will generally be slower in class. This not only applies to children but to adults as well.
If you made the mistake of having a heavy lunch, then a tug of war ensues, with the stomach on one end and the brain on the other. The bulk of the blood supply is diverted to the stomach, with very little to the brain. When the stomach wins, you sleep.
Studies have also shown that eating breakfast increases your ability to perform better mentally.